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Celebrating Dr. Selma Rainio’s Legacy and the 111th Anniversary of the Onandjokwe Hospital Building



Celebrating Dr. Selma Rainio’s Legacy and the 111th Anniversary of the Onandjokwe Hospital Building

Revitalizing the Onandjokwe Medical Museum – Promoting Cultural Tourism in Oniipa

Date: Friday 7th October 2022

Time: 16h30

Venue: Onandjokwe Medical Museum Garden, Oniipa, Namibia

Panel Discussion

Dr. Aina Paulina Muulila
Sociocultural Anthropologist and Museums Association of Namibia Executive Committee Member

“Oniipa, a new town enriched with two historical museums (Nakambale and Onandjokwe) with high potential to contribute to the local economic and cultural tourism development.”

Dr. Lovisa Nampala
Namibian Historian and Culture activist

“The importance of preserving Namibian indigenous knowledge of using plants as Medicine to cure and prevent illnesses.”

Prof. Filemon Amaambo
Namibian medical doctor who specialised as a Surgeon inspired many to pursue careers in medicine.

“Onandjokwe Medical Legacy:  A great inspiration to the present and future generations to excel in Medical services.”

Director of Ceremonies: Ms. Ndapewoshali Ndahafa Ashipala, Museums Association of Namibia
Entertainment: Live Musical Performances
Traditional cuisine will be sold at the venue.


The main aim of this event is to raise funds for the revitalisation and development of the Onandjokwe Medical Museum. Therefore, donations are welcome.

Bank: Bank Windhoek

Account Name: Onandjokwe Medical Museum

Account Number: 3001856580

Branch: Ondangwa


Refreshment/Donations: Ms. Lucia Hafeni: 0812830033

Museum Collection/Matters: Mr. Kleopas Nghikefelwa: 0812755616

General Enquiries: Mr. Elia Shingenge: 0812503054

Read more about the Ondandjokwe Medical Museum here.

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Day of the Old Wheeler: 01 October 2022


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