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Vacancies and Opportunities

Curatorial Research Fellowship - Linden-Museum Stuttgart


Linden-Museum Stuttgart is offering a two-year fellowship for African curators or scholars from September 1, 2023.The fellowship program, funded by the German Gerda Henkel Foundation, aims at supporting four German museums holding African collections – in Leipzig/Dresden/Herrnhut (Saxony), Hamburg, Cologne, and Stuttgart – in their engagement to decolonize their museum practice and to foster a new ethics of collaboration with the...

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CCP, ECF Advisory Board Applications


The current Advisory Board/Committee for the Confronting Colonial Pasts, Envisioning Creative Futures (and by extension, all the sub-projects such as the Museum of Namibian Fashion etc.) was developed organically during the first phase of the project through the engagement with different stakeholders for different components of the project. Therefore, while planning for the second phase of the project and beyond, during...

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Obliterate: Call for Abstracts


Download here: Obliterate Call for Abstracts   Obliterate  Call for Abstracts  “it is about time that we questioned the fundamental basis of the situation and ‘killed’ - I repeat, killed – the Western model of the museum in Africa in order for new methods for the conservation and promotion of our heritage to flourish.”  (Alpha Oumar Konaré, former president of ICOM)  Between academics,...

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Call for Applications: Curatorial Research Fellowship


For Download: Information Booklet MARKK Curatorial Research Fellowship Application Deadline: January 22, 2023     Call for Applications:  Curatorial Research Fellowship  Gerda Henkel Fellowship-Programme „4 Museums – 4 Opportunities“  The Museum am Rothenbaum- World Cultures and Arts (MARKK) in Hamburg, Germany is offering a two-year fellowship for African curators or scholars  from April 2023  The fellowship programme, funded by the German Gerda Henkel...

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UNESCO-Aschberg call for projects/Nouvel appel à projets UNESCO-Aschberg


Dear Colleagues, It is our pleasure to announce that the second call for projects of the UNESCO-Aschberg programme for artists and cultural professionals has just been launched. The call is open to governments and public institutions of UNESCO Member States, as well as to civil society organizations, to support initiatives aimed at protecting and promoting artistic freedom, including the status of the artist in...

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CALL FOR PAPERS  The Future Museum.  Framing the Skills and Mindsets of the Visionary Leader  ­ ICOM-INTERCOM, the International Council of Museums Committee for museum management, is preparing for a conference in Qatar on the theme of visionary museum leadership and mindset for an empowering future. The conference, hosted by ICOM Qatar and organized by ICOM-INTERCOM in partnership with Qatar Museums, and in collaboration with CIMAM, ICOM SEE...

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[CALL FOR APPLICATIONS - SCHOLARSHIPS!] Post Graduate Diploma in Heritage Conservation and Management


The Museums Association of Namibia (MAN) is a Non-Governmental Organisation representing museums and heritage institutions throughout Namibia. As a representative body, it supports museums in various ways such as in the field of training, funding, and the networking of professionals. MAN (in partnership with the National Museum of Namibia (NMN) and University of Namibia (UNAM)) are participating in a project funded...

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[Call for Applications] World Heritage Futures Lab hunts for talent to promote Southern and Eastern Africa’s rich heritage


We are pleased to share with you, the call for entries to the “World Heritage Futures Lab: Southern and Eastern Africa edition” that UNESCO has launched.  Important Links News item on the call for entries:   Video on the call: Call for entries (on Electric South’s website): //"> Application form:

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