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Doctoral Scholarships: Linden-Museum Stuttgart and the University of Tübingen


Doctoral Scholarships (m/f/d)

Application deadline: 30.3.2023

Duration: 10/2023 - 9/2026

Scholarship for doctoral studies in the research field Museum and Collections linked to the disciplines of Social and Cultural Anthropology/ Historical and Cultural Anthropology, and History in the PhD Programme: “A Doctorate in the Museum - the Local and Global Dimensions of Objects in Anthropological Museums in Baden- Württemberg Today”, (DIMA) funded by the Ministry of Science, Research and Arts Baden-Württemberg, the Linden-Museum Stuttgart and the University of Tübingen.

The University of Tübingen will be awarding three doctoral scholarships in cooperation with the Linden-Museum Stuttgart to study the challenges of the anthropological museum in the 21st century. These doctorates are based in the disciplines of Social and Cultural Anthropology/ Historical and Cultural Anthropology, and History.

Each scholarship amounts to 1450- Euros per month and is limited to a period of 3 years from October 2023 to September 2026. Separate funds are available for field research and travel. A presentation of the research results in the Linden-Museum is expected as part of the scholarship. The dissertation can be written in either English or German.

The PhD scholarships are meant for research projects that deal with recent debates on the museum in the broadest sense. The focus of the empirical investigation should be on the collections of the Linden Museum Stuttgart and/or the ethnology department of the University of Tübingen.

The choice of topics can be freely selected within the participating range of the disciplines involved. Possible thematic complexes include, for example, the debates on:

- Challenges and possibilities of representing ‘museum objects’
- Changing concepts of ownership and possession in relation to ‘museum objects as well as the negotiation processes that accompany them
- Practices, concepts and challenges in the field of provenance, repatriation and restitution of ‘museum objects
- The history of ‘collecting’ (e.g. with a focus on the collectors, dealers, creators, and users of the objects)
- Materiality, use intention and knowledge around, through and about the objects.

These outlined thematic complexes represent only a part of the possible range of topics of the PhD Programme; a recognizable focus on the collection of the Linden Museum and/or the ethnological collection of the University of Tübingen is expected in the project.

A good university degree (Diploma/Magister/Master) in the subjects of Social and Cultural Anthropology/ Historical and Cultural Anthropology/ History or related subjects is required.

In addition to doctoral studies, the scholarship holder is expected to be involved in the organisation and implementation of scientific conferences and in the interdisciplinary exchange established in the PhD Programme. Scholarship holders are expected to be based in Tübingen during the funding period. In case of equal qualification and experience, physically challenged applicants are given preference.

The University of Tübingen strives to increase the proportion of women in research and teaching and therefore strongly invites/encourages applications from suitably qualified female academics.

Please send your application with supporting documents (CV, certificates) by e-mail to the Linden-Museum ( by 30.3.2023. The application must consist of a short outline of the doctoral project of approx. 1500 words, a letter of motivation (max. 1 page, with information on your previous experience, your skills and the reasons why you consider yourself an appropriate candidate), as well as one academic reference letter.

Further information on the Linden-Museum Stuttgart as well as the ethnological collection and the WeltKulturenmuseum of the Museum of the University of Tübingen (MUT) can be found here:

The staff of the Linden-Museum Stuttgart and the Department of Ethnology at the University of Tübingen are available for further information, especially concerning the collection-related focus of the research. Please send enquiries by e-mail to: Prof. Gabriele Alex, Asien Orient Institut, Universität Tübingen, 

Prof. Inés de Castro, Linden-Museum Stuttgart,

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