Once again, the Namibian Heritage Week Team has the pleasure of hosting Namibian Heritage Week! We also have the pleasure of inviting you to the following events: MEDIA LAUNCHMonday 09th September 2024 at 10h00Zoom LinkMeeting ID: 822 3869 7079Passcode: 206145 OFFICIAL OPENINGMonday 16th September 2024 at 17h30Windhoek City Museum, Windhoek, NamibiaLive Stream: Namibian Heritage Week Facebook Page and YouTube Channel This...
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We are happy to announce the call for applications for Namibian Heritage Week 2024 grants, generously powered by the National Arts Council of Namibia. This funding opportunity is exclusively available to institutional members of MAN. The theme for Namibian Heritage Week this year is “Kultuur is Gemeenskap, Germeenskap is Kultuur” in Afrikaans which translates to “Culture is Community, Community is Culture” in English, 16–...
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