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In Loving Memory of Mr. Axali Doëseb

Axali MuNaMu Gallery 3

We pay tribute to the life of a national hero, Axali Doëseb, whose remarkable contributions to the heart and soul of Namibia will forever be engraved in our history. Mr. Doëseb, a gifted musician, bestowed upon us the gift of the Namibian national anthem. 

Mr Doëseb's commitment to the cultural and historical enrichment of Namibia extended beyond the creation of our beloved anthem. His dedication as a stakeholder in the development of the Museum of Namibian Music allowed us to document and showcase his personal story and contributions to the nation in GALLERY 3 Naha yaka, Buikumuso bwaka (Pina ya naha): My Nation, My Pride (National Anthems) and GALLERY 5 Ondjugo goongalelo ya tseyika nawa koyendji yiihikomwa yaNamibia: The Namibian Musical Hall of Fame.

As we bid farewell to Mr Doëseb, we honour his memory by carrying forward the anthem he gifted us, by preserving and sharing the stories he entrusted to the Museum of Namibian Music, and by continuing to build the harmonious nation he helped create. His legacy lives on in the voices that rise in song and the hearts that beat with love for Namibia.

Our nation has lost a shining star, but his light will forever guide us as we journey forward. Mr. Doëseb's contributions to our cultural heritage will be cherished for generations to come. May his soul rest in eternal peace, and may his music continue to inspire us, uniting us in the love of our beloved Namibia.


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