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MENTORSHIP AWARD MOVING NARRATIVES Pilot programme by the Prince Claus Fund & the British Council


Moving Narratives amplifies artistic and creative practices that move our understanding of the past and drive our visions of the future in new directions through the affective, discursive, and transformative power of culture. 

Dominant historical and social narratives tend to exclude the experiences and stories of marginalised communities, silence critical voices, and erase, overlook, or at times over-emphasise differences. Presenting one-sided or partial accounts of history, these narratives often reflect systems of power and contribute to social inequalities. 

Are you an artist or cultural practitioner who believes that culture can play a vital role in questioning dominant narratives and their role in our lives? We invite you to apply to the Mentorship Award: Moving Narratives, a multidisciplinary programme that re-examines legacies of the past, defies euro-centric social and historical discourses, centres the perspectives of marginalised communities, and forges connections between contemporary emancipatory movements and their historical roots.


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Saturday, 27 July 2024