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 (A PERFORMANCE IN Subiya and siLozi) 

Thursday, 25 March 2021 


Facebook Livestream 

 ENQUIRIES: / +264 (0)61 374 403 


The National Theatre of Namibia (NTN) in partnership with the National Arts Council of Namibia (NACN) presents a Storytelling Evening with performer and praise poet Francis Mwinga. Virtual and physically attending audiences can look forward to an evening of praise poetry and song echoing the value systems and customs of maSubiya. 

Born in 1964, Francis Mwinga is a performer and praise poet based in Katima Mulilo, Namibia. The artist has previously worked as a Literacy Promoter, and served in the Namibian Police Force until his retirement. 

Mwinga was mentored by his grandmother Ms. Kawana Koongwa who saw his growing interest in traditional stories from an early age. His training continued under Mr Kuyengwa Sipopa in Zambia, where he was trained in siLozi oral traditions which involve serenating nature and community leadership, and transmitting valuable lessons. 

Upon returning to Namibia from Zambia in 1978, Mwinga’s uncle, who was a senior headman at Bukalo traditional headquarters, witnessed his talent and promoted it in the community. His uncle taught him Subiya poetry grounded in spirituality, the environment and communal systems. Since 2004, Francis Mwinga has been entrusted as the praise singer for Chief Liswani III for significant Subiya cultural occasions. 

The event will be livestreamed on NTN’s Facebook page (@nationaltheatreofnamibia) ON 25 March 2021, 18H30. Physical seating is available, but limited. Book your seat by emailing by 18 March 2021 latest. 

There will be a meet and greet session for artists and the public to meet with Mr Francis Mwinga, on 24 March 2021, 15H00. This will take place in Windhoek at the National Theatre of Namibia. Persons wishing to attend this meet and greet session should reserve their spot by emailing by 23 March, 15H00. 

For more information, call 061 374 403. 


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