Are you young, a digital tech fanatic, inspired by heritage and a Wanna-Be entrepreneur? Are you interested in learning more about sustainable business models and circular economy? Then, Hack the Heritage Namibia Workshop is for you, join us! Apply! Workshop dates: Tuesday 31st October and Wednesday 1st November in Windhoek. Day 1: explore heritage-inspired business ideas that are implemented based...
The Namibian commemoration of the International Day of the Artist (IAD) will take place on 25 October 2023, 18H30 in Windhoek’s CBD at the Ministry of Justice Courtyard on Independence Avenue. This evening will feature a public installation that includes exhilarating artistic showcases by Namibian artists Vitjitua Ndjiharine, Tumi Mohammed, John Kalunda, Sipelu Dancers from Katima Mulilo, and some live drumming. The event...
Invitation to attend a workshop on validation of a draft report "Assessing the Integration of Culture and Heritage in Disaster Risk Reduction Policies in Southern Africa", to be held virtually, on 19 October from 10:00 - 13:00. Please note that although the date on the program and concept note is 13 October 2023, the workshop has been rescheduled to take place on...
The Museums Association of Namibia (MAN) and the Bernisches Historischen Museum (BHM) have the pleasure of inviting all interested, to participate in a consultative workshop on Thursday the 19th of October 2023, which will be hosted by the “Usakos – Making of Common History” project. This hybrid workshop we hope will catalyse more in-depth research and conversation, is the second of two workshops that will...
Living Museum Workshop 2023 The Living Culture Foundation Namibia is organizing a traditional workshop and music festival for all Living Museums from Monday, October 30, 2023, to Friday, November 3, 2023. The workshop will take place at the Mbunza Living Museum, approximately 15 km west of Rundu.Activities of the workshop include woodworking, blacksmithing, pottery, tool making, ostrich egg processing, making fire...
Please join us for an online workshop discussing Namibian heritage in German and South African museums. 2 October 2023, 2pm – 4:30pm, SAST/CAT LINK: There will be presentations by Larissa Förster (Humboldt University Berlin), Tuuda Haitula (Museums Association of Namibia) and Goodman Gwasira (University of Namibia). The event will be hosted by Prof Ciraj Rassool, Suzana Sousa and Sophie Schasiepen...
UNESCO has announced that the new 2023 Young Professionals Programme has been launched. Click here to download the full call. All applications by Namibians should be submitted to
The Latvian National Commission for UNESCO is happy to announce the online conference Localising the Sustainable Development Goals through Museums and Libraries II that will take place on 27 September and will be streamed on Facebook pages of the Latvian Museum Association and the Latvian Librarians’ Association: The conference is being organized in collaboration between the Baltic states, Georgia and Moldova, with the...