The Museums Association of Namibia (MAN) is an umbrella organisation that represents all Namibian museums. As a representative body it supports museums in various ways such as in the field of training, funding and the networking of professionals. The Museums Association of Namibia is a Non-Governmental Organisation representing museums and heritage institutions throughout Namibia. It receives an annual grant from the...
Audio-visual archives tell us stories about people’s lives and cultures from all over the world. They represent a priceless heritage which is an affirmation of our collective memory and a valuable source of knowledge since they reflect the cultural, social and linguistic diversity of our communities. They help us grow and comprehend the world we all share. Conserving this heritage and...
Are you a learner at a secondary school in the Zambezi Region? If so, you can enter an exciting competition that involves art, fauna, and culture. We would like you to make a neat colour drawing of a bird on A4 paper. The bird should be one that you have seen in the area of the Zambezi Region. You should put...
Background It was with our deepest sorrow that we announced the death of Dr Jeremy Gale Silvester, much loved and respected Director of the Museums Association of Namibia (MAN), historian, freedom fighter, revolutionary and mentor who passed away on 05 July 2021. Jeremy was passionate about his work in Namibia and his contribution to Namibian History, Museums, and the Heritage, Arts, and Culture sector will be...
Please see here MAN Annual Report 2020/2021, the Annual Report for the Museums Association of Namibia’s 2020/2021 Financial year. The 2020/2021 Annual Report and previous annual reports are available from the MAN website; together with other MAN publications and other useful links and documents for MAN members and heritage and culture professionals can be found here
MAN ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (AGM)2021 The Annual General Meeting (AGM) for the Museums Association of Namibia (MAN) is scheduled for Wednesday the 20th October 2021 from 09h00-13h00. REGISTRATION To register for the AGM, please complete section 1 of this form here PRESENTATIONS If you would like to make a presentation at the AGM, please complete section 2 of the form. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (EC) ELECTIONS...
Did you know that there is a museum in almost every region in Namibia? That means there is a museum near you! Benefits of Visiting a Namibian Museum 1. Museums make you feel good – They have a calming effect. 2. Museums make you smarter – They Expand your horizons and teach you lessons in humanity 3. Museums provide an effective...
Heritage Week is an opportunity for Namibians to showcase our heritage. The week encourages all Namibians to celebrate and commit themselves to protect our wonderful natural and cultural resources. Namibia’s major heritage institutions have joined together as a team to organize Namibian Heritage Week. The Namibian Heritage Week Team cordially invites you to the Namibian Heritage Week 2021 Media Launch. The purpose of the Media Launch is...