Making Namibian Museums Matter!
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Museums Association of Namibia

The Museums Association of Namibia (MAN) is an umbrella organisation that represents all Namibian museums.

As a representative body it supports museums in various ways such as in the field of training, funding and the networking of professionals.

About MAN


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Namibian Heritage Week 2020 | NBC Documentary


Watch this documentary which was filmed by the Namibian Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) for Namibian Heritage Week 2020 and discusses the importance of heritage and culture in relation to tourism, sustainability, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the sector. The documentary features professionals in the sector from the Museums Association of Namibia (MAN), the National Museum of Namibia, The Namibia...

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Call for Applications: Instructors for MOOC on Living Heritage [UNESCO]


CALL FOR APPLICATIONS Dear facilitators and colleagues, The UNESCO Living Heritage Entity has launched a call for applications for INSTRUCTORS FOR A MASSIVE OPEN ONLINE COURSE (MOOC) ON LIVING HERITAGE AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. For more information, please see You will see that the call is posted through a new platform called Success Factor. Please note that from now on all...

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[Watch Video] NHW2020 | Museum of Namibian Fashion | Ekori

IMG_1267_resized_20200924_060133688 Ekori - National Museum of Namibia

MAN would like to use Namibian Heritage Week to introduce you to our plan to develop a Virtual Museum of Namibian Fashion. The museum will feature photographs of historical and contemporary clothing and accessories. We will make the site interactive and welcome comments and contributions that might feature in the museum when it is launched by the end of 2020. We...

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[Watch Video] #NHW2020 Hendrik Witbooi Exhibition | National Archives of Namibia


Ms Beauty Matongo, Head of the National Archives introduces a lecture by Mr Werner Hillebrecht about Hendrik Witbooi. Learn more about the man whose face is on our Namibian dollars. Kindly note that the viewing of the original exhibition will only be done when the National Archives of Namibia open to the public again.   

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[Watch Video] #NHW2020 | Zambezi Museum

The Zambezi Region Culture Office organised a clay pot making competition for Namibian Heritage Week. The idea is for the skills to be passed on to the younger generation as part of the region's intangible cultural heritage. Ms Lisho, the Deputy-Director also joined the competitors to create her own pot. The best pots will be displayed in the Zambezi Museum that...

  1844 Hits

[Watch Video] #NHW2020 | Museum of Namibian Fashion | Ongodo/Ongondo


MAN would like to use Namibian Heritage Week to introduce you to our plan to develop a Virtual Museum of Namibian Fashion. The museum will feature photographs of historical and contemporary clothing and accessories. We will make the site interactive and welcome comments and contributions that might feature in the museum when it is launched by the end of 2020. We...

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[Watch Video] National Earth Science Museum #NHW2020


A narrated film of the National Earth Science Museum’s exhibition and the collections.  

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[Watch Video] Namibia 1953 | #NHW2020


The theme for Namibian Heritage Week this year is about exploring ways that we can use the internet to provide access to archives, museums and cultural heritage despite our present difficulties. The Museums Association of Namibia would like to introduce a web site that will help people search through a collection of voice recordings and photographs of Namibians dating from...

  1844 Hits